Henry's Blog

Throughout my campaign for a second term as your mayor in Abbotsford, I promised to be open about my campaign expenses and the contributions I received. In advance of the filing deadline (January 19, 2019) below are totals of the money in and out. Once the official filings (of all candidates) are live, I’ll provide a link that will make it easy for you to see all.
Total Campaign Contributions
Total Campaign Expenses
My campaign expense limit, prescribed by the Province of BC, was $86,556.10. I’m happy to say we remained $28,962.21 under the allowable limit. The surplus amount ($11,267.46) can be held and used for a 2022 re-election campaign.
*This figure includes $2,887.36, the value for re-used signs purchased during 2014’s mayoral campaign.Even though this is not an actual cash expense in 2018, it must be reported as though the used signs were purchased new and must be included as an expense.
Thank you to all my supporters: the quiet ones, the cheerleaders, and, of course, the voters who cast a ballot my way. I take your trust very seriously and am humbled by it. I look forward to working with council members, new and returning, to continue moving Abbotsford forward on behalf of every citizen.
Thanks to all the men and women who put their names forward and ran in Abbotsford for council, mayor, or school trustee. And kudos to your teams and supporters for participating in a vigorous race – the kind that is essential to a thriving democracy.
Henry Braun
Abbotsford, BC
We all care about Abbotsford. It’s our home. It’s where we want our loved ones to be safe and happy as they live, learn, grow. To make it easy for you to hear what I have to say on a number of Abbotsford (and some regional) issues, I’ve embedded many of my campaign videos in this blog post, while other videos are included in previous posts. Please take some time to watch them. To see all the videos in one place, please go to my YouTube Channel.
Have another question? Please drop me a note by email.
REMINDER: Please vote.
The general election is set for October 20, 2018. The polls will be open 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM. For more information, or to find your voting place, go here: WhereToVote-Abbotsford
Henry Braun: Leading the Way Forward in Abbotsford
Henry Braun Leads the Way to Solve the Highway 1 Problem
The UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan: The City and UFV (University of the Fraser Valley)
The Abbotsford International Airport (YXX): Improvements
What is Abbotsford’s Official Community Plan (OCP)?
Protecting Sumas Mountain
Non-medical Cannabis
Improving Transit in Abbotsford
Pride in Abbotsford’s Fire Department
Pride in Our Police Force
Building Civic Pride
Mobility Pricing
Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in Abbotsford
Future of Downtown Abbotsford
Four Cornerstones of Abbotsford’s Strategic Plan
Sadly, homelessness is an issue that many individuals in Abbotsford face. More social housing and a combined, unified effort by service providers and all levels of government is needed to help support those who face this challenge. We’ve come a long way, but have further to go.
Advance Poll
8AM – 8PM, Sat., Oct. 13, at Exhibition Park’s Ag-Rec building, 32470 Haida Drive.
General Voting Day
8AM – 8PM, Sat., Oct. 20. Please find your voting place here: WhereToVote-Abbotsford
I realize that water might not be top-of-mind right now, especially with the autumn rains setting in, but let’s not forget about this important issue.
The City of Abbotsford can help you save water, a most precious, life-giving commodity, and save money.
8AM – 8PM, Wed. and Sat., Oct. 10 and 13, at Exhibition Park’s Ag-Rec building, 32470 Haida Drive.
8AM – 8PM, Sat., Oct. 20. Please find your voting place here: WhereToVote-Abbotsford
Abbotsford is growing; it’s transforming. While we make room for those who choose to live here, we have to manage the growth wisely. How? Well one way is densification.
For more information on the City of Abbotsford Master Plans, Neighbourhood Plans, and various studies and projects, go to this link: https://www.abbotsford.ca/city_hall/plan_for_200K.htm
Advance polls
8AM – 8PM, Wed. and Sat., Oct. 10 and 13, at Exhibition Park’s Ag-Rec building, 32470 Haida Drive.
General voting day
8AM – 8PM, Sat., Oct. 20. Please find your voting place here.
It’s called public service because we – elected officials (councillors & mayor) and city employees – are here to serve you, beefs or bouquets. Over the past four years, we’ve worked hard at breaking down the silos at City Hall so our departments can talk to each other and are better informed and prepared to help you. We are here to make your life easier, not create obstacles.
And we’re hearing from people – from both in and outside our community – that it’s working.
Click on this link or the picture below to watch the video.
Advance polls are open 8AM – 8PM on Wed. and Sat., Oct. 10 and 13, at Exhibition Park’s Ag-Rec building, 32470 Haida Drive.
General voting day is Sat., Oct. 20. Please find your voting place here.
As your mayor, it’s my job to represent all citizens of Abbotsford – every single one. It’s also my job to bring people together for the betterment of all.
So, how do I do that?
Well, first I lead by example; I embrace our whole community. Abbotsford will flourish when we all come together for a purpose. That doesn’t mean we’ll agree on every single item, every single time; rather, it means we will work together to make this the best city for all.
Click here or on the picture below to get to the video.
Advance polls are open 8AM – 8PM on Wed. and Sat., Oct. 10 and 13, at Exhibition Park’s Ag-Rec building, 32470 Haida Drive.
General voting day is Sat., Oct. 20. Please find your voting place here.
Yes, public spaces, sticky streets, underground parking, and mixed-use development are key to a vibrant City Centre in Abbotsford.
Advance polls are open 8AM – 8PM on Wed. and Sat., Oct. 10 and 13, at Exhibition Park’s Ag-Rec building, 32470 Haida Drive.
General voting day is Sat., Oct. 20. Please click here to find your voting place.
Investing in sport and youth is good for our community. No question. And now, because of our fiscal discipline, Abbotsford is in a position to move forward with projects benefiting sports and youth that were out of reach just five years ago. Delair Park, for example, is designated in our OCP (Official Community Plan, developed through Abbotsforward) for a multi-sport area where we envision four baseball diamonds.