Fewer In-camera Meetings Lead to a More Open and Transparent City Council

Trust in government is enhanced when citizens know what their government is discussing and what positions their elected representatives are taking on the issues.

You need to know what we talk about and the stands we take 

Mistrust occurs when governments unnecessarily hold in-camera (closed to the public) meetings and discuss public business behind closed doors. 

Personnel items, contractual negotiations, purchase or disposition of property, and legal matters need to remain confidential, but… 

It is acceptable that issues related to personnel, contractual negotiations, purchase or disposition of property, and legal matters remain confidential. However, extreme care should be given to ensure that the parameters of these areas are not expanded so broadly that mayor and council deal with every ‘issue’ behind closed doors. 

Fewer in-camera council meetings will increase government transparency 

As mayor, I will reduce the scope of these ‘closed’ meetings—meetings that are not open to the public—so that only matters requiring absolute confidentiality are dealt within camera.

When I am able to employ this commitment, time spent conducting government business behind closed doors will be significantly reduced.